This week, we're going to talk about active learning strategies.
Moving beyond metacognition, we're going to get into some of the nitty-gritty of how to scaffold and think through effective digital assignments.
As always we're going to be using Slack in order to have asynchronous discussions about our readings and activities. We will also be using to annotated the readings we're going to be doing.
This week, we're going to be reading Chapter 3 of the book Changing the Story, a great resource for creating digital assignments. As you read it, think about how you have been asked to do assignments, digital or otherwise, and how this maps onto what we learned last week about metacognition.
This knowledge of both metacognition and digital assignments can help you more critically engage with the assignments you'll be asked to beta-test, as well as give you language to craft useful suggestions for the faculty member (which we will go into more detail about in Week 3).
Hopefully, you can also use these strategies in your own learning!